Some of my Darker Work 💀
A lot of people think of me as the guy who makes cute orange robots…but what some people don’t know is that I also have a huge soft-spot for the Horror genre. I’m talking about suspense, plot twists, survival instincts and wit. Movies like A Quiet Place, Get Out, Birdbox & It (2017) are up there in my all-time favorites. In the about section, you’ll see that Jordan Peele is listed as one of my favorite directors. (If you’re reading this Mr. Krasinski, I think you’re great too!)
What I would like to propose are a few animated loops for social media, featuring characters, locations & props from A Quiet Place. Co-posts on Instagram would be a cool way to make it feel like a collab. I can also talk about my artistic process and do some behind-the-scenes posts there.
Here are some pieces I’ve made over the years that explore darker themes:
Above: “Lost Relics”, 2021
Above: “Specimen Jars”, a personal project in 2019. These 2 videos accumulated 100K views organically on my Instagram, and another 100K views via reposts on Twitter and Tik-tok.
Below: High-resolution still frames from my personal project “The Attic” in February of 2019. These would work for something like a poster or printed collectible. Click on any image to enlarge it.
Below: Some frames from an unfinished title-sequence project I began in 2019, followed by the animatic I made for said title-sequence. A project like this is a lot more involved & time consuming but could make for something really special & creatively rewarding.
Below: Some more examples of images I’ve created that involve heavy themes of nature. Click on any picture to make it bigger.
Thank you for taking the time to read this page!
If you want to see what else I’m capable of, please go to the Work tab of my website. Have a great week!